Thursday, August 13, 2015

TRACEY - Call for Papers - Drawing and Presence

TRACEY, the journal of drawing and visualization research, has a call for papers on the notion of Presence in Drawing.  Submissions due September 4.

Full text of the call:

What is the relationship between ‘drawer’ and ‘drawn’ in the moment of drawing?

Does drawing enable immediate sensuous presence in relation to its object?

How might the sustained attention of drawing be characterized? What is the role of immediacy, mediation, meditation, repetition?

What role do empathy, intensity and materiality play in drawing? What role do order, analysis and clarity play in drawing?

Is drawing a meaningful activity? If so, in what way? Do drawings have meaning? Is their meaning objective, subjective or both?

What does drawing say about desire? Is drawing a form of appropriation, a will-to-possess, a way of taking hold of things? Or does it imply a moment of dispossession, a surrender of ‘self’ in search of a new understanding?

Do accident, loss of control and the properties of the medium influence thinking?

Does drawing offer a mode of engagement that enables understanding the world in terms of ‘becoming’ rather than ‘being’, in terms of dynamic processes rather than static objects?

Does drawing reduplicate the world or can it transform it? Is it a kind of metamorphosis?

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